Photo credit: Scotty Wise

Having recently completed a European tour the band Bittersweathearts recently released their new single “Empty” along with a video to the song. Formed in 2022, the group has already released four singles, and as mentioned a European tour, West Coast and much more planned for 2024.  The band talks about their beginnings, the new single the difference between US and European crowds and much more here in this interview.

How did Bittersweethearts get started?

Zoë: Hi! Zoë here. I started Bittersweethearts a little over a year ago with the help of my manager Ali! I had known Ali from past projects I was in and decided I wanted to start a new band. With his help, I got to audition a bunch of talented musicians to find the perfect members of Bittersweethearts!

Alyssa: Before I joined the band, there had been some lineup changes. I auditioned for the band in late October 2022 and I became an official member right around the time “Polly Plastic” came out.

What is the origin of the band’s name?

Zoë: I was going through a very bittersweet time in my young adult life and loved the way it sounded. I also loved the name sweethearts, so I kinda decided to go with the best of both worlds and a play on words version of the two.

Your newest single is “Empty;,  what is the story behind the song?

Zoë: In a world where women are still being held hostage by unrealistic expectations, demands, and standards, I wanted to speak about how we don’t have to put up with it anymore. We don’t have to be the perfect cookie cutter housewife. We can be whatever we want – and we definitely don’t have to settle and try to keep a relationship together for a partner who isn’t even pulling half the weight.

The video has a 1950’s vibe to it. How did you decide on the concept of the video?

Zoë: I wanted to play on the dated standards that women still experience today to some extent. That’s why I went with the 1950’s housewife theme.

How long did it take to film the video?

Zoë: We finished the video in 2 days!

Alyssa: The video was shot over the course of two days, but if you add it up, it probably was about a day.

How many takes did you have to do for the scene with Zoë falling backwards into the pool?

Zoë: Just one! It was the last shot that we filmed, and I just went for it. My hair was only dry once so we had to make sure we got it on the first shot. It was freeeeezing, though!

Daniel: I remember we had her practice it in another outfit and, because of that, we were able to do it in one take. Zoe did a great job!

Do one of you own that sweet ride Buick convertible used in the video?

Zoë: I wish! We were able to rent it for the day from a local to the Palm Springs area.

The band recently completed your first European tour; how was it?

Zoë: Our Europe 2023 tour was amazing! We can’t wait to go back for a 2024 tour. Stay tuned!!

Daniel: It was one of my favorite memories ever with the band. It was the best tour we’ve had, and I’ll never forget it.

Alyssa: It was so much fun to tour Europe! The tour was actually a lot of firsts for me: my first tour, my first time visiting Europe, and my first time traveling outside of the country! I loved the Netherlands in particular; it was so beautiful and picturesque! And even though we were only there for a little over a day, visiting London was a treat. Generally, I’m a fan of rainy and gloomy weather, so my time in London was perfect!

Are the crowds in Europe different the crowds at your US shows? If so, in what way?

Zoë: Europe had a great and non-jaded vibe. That was really fun to see in contrast to all the LA “too cool” crowds.

Daniel: I think they are pretty different from the US audience. Europeans, in my opinion, are more engaged, and active in participating in music acts, especially if they are from another country. I think they want to be able to see good music and to go out of their homes following COVID.

Alyssa: The crowds in Europe are actually quite different from those here. I should say first though, that both are a pleasure to play for! The audiences in Europe seemed to be more involved in the experience of live music than American audiences; there was a lot more dancing and singing along, and they would stand closer to the stage. The American crowds seem almost a little shyer, maybe even a little jaded depending on the city; it’s mainly people standing on the edge of the dance floor staring at their phones and into their drinks. But once you play some covers and upbeat songs, maybe chat with the audience and sort of mess around with them a bit, they tend to perk up. Both are really chatty and varying degrees of enthusiastic after we finished playing, though! It’s always lovey talking to folks after we play, whether it’s people coming over to the merch table to buy a t-shirt, people just saying hello with a hand shake, or fellow musicians coming by and nerding out over gear as I’m putting my pedalboard and guitars away.

You also did some West Coast shows in September. Are there any additional shows planned in the US or Canada?

Zoë: We just got back from a US/Canada tour! We’re definitely gonna keep playing locally, but we’re really trying to finish up this album before we leave for tour 2024!

Daniel: At the moment we don’t, but never say never! Hopefully we can go back to Canada soon!

Four singles have been released since 2022. Can you tell us a little bit about the band’s writing process? 

Zoë: We kind of bring pieces of things and hash them out together. For example, I’ll bring in a little idea I wrote, and we will jam it and tweak it and see if it fits.

Daniel: Usually someone will bring in a riff or a semi-finished song and the rest of the band will chime in and bring the song to life with our unique perspectives. Be prepared for an album in 2024!

What can fans of Bittersweethearts look forward to in 2024?

Zoë: Be on the lookout for lots of touring, lots of cute new merch, our debut album, and a great show!! See you soon!

Daniel: More shows, new songs, great merch, and an amazing experience when you come spend an evening with us!

Alyssa: We have lots of exciting plans for 2024! Without giving too much away, fans can look forward to some new tunes and more shows! We’ve also got some really neato merch coming, so you’re not gonna want to miss it!

Interview by I’m Music Magazine Writer Tim Board

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