Earlier this past summer, I was given the opportunity to review the single, “No Mercy” from the band, Karobela.  The song was very well received and the band are releasing their second single and companion video for the song, “Skin and Bone” this Friday, 11/15/19.

For those of you who may be just discovering Karobela, they are a killer four piece hard rock band from South East England. I can best describe their music is bluesy and heavy no frills hard rock and roll. If Led Zeppelin and Heart had a love child, they would have named it Karobela.

As for the song itself, “Skin and Bone” is filled with monster distorted riffs and big fat groove. That strong Zeppelin influence is still there, but the band has stepped it up and added elements of swag and funk, especially when guitarist Rob Freeman brings in that scratch and wah to the table. Vocalist, Lauren Diamond sounds amazing as her voice has become warmer and richer, taking this track to a whole new level.


 Karobela has instantly become one of my favorite bands of 2019. The singles that I have had the pleasure of reviewing have been absolutely amazing, and I am breathless with anticipation waiting for a full length release from them. 

Rating: 9/10 Stars

Writer for I’m Music Magazine Jason “Supes “ Mesa
