Formed in 2023, rock band Snapcat Bandits, out of Detroit, Michigan, is Mike Krupinski (guitar, bass, vocals) and Melanie D. Marshall (drums). They have a new, emotionally charged single and video, “Lonely Highway”, out now.  

‘“Lonely Highway”, is about being in a bad relationship or bad situation”, says Marshall. In the Led Zeppelin song, “Trampled Under Foot”, Robert Plant talks about likening a motor car to parts of a human body. With, “Lonely Highway”, human emotions are likened to parts of a vehicle.”

“Lonely Highway”, was written by Mike and Melanie. It was at a time when Mike turned away from social media. Both Mike and Melanie intentionally turned off all media, TV, news and internet news. They felt like they were moving away from the hostility and divisiveness of the current state of affairs in the outside world. 

Marshall says, “The message in, “Lonely Highway”, is that hope can be found in changing your situation, even though there may be fears involved including the unknown. The destination in the song is, “Sanity Beach”, and it represents finding mental clarity.  Mental clarity is best found by doing it your own way.”  

“Lonely Highway”, is the final release on Snapcat Bandits’ debut six-song EP, Shadows & LooksSnapcat Bandits recently completed their second five-song EP, Anything & Nothing. The new EP will be released as singles in the coming months. 

The band is also working on exciting lyric videos to go along with the new EP. Snapcat Bandits are already busy working on the next album with plans to complete it in 2025.