Steel Panther are set to release their newest album On The Prowl on February 24, 2023 which you can pre-order right f’n meow, just visit: You can grab your very own physical copy on CD, Vinyl, and Cassette. 

The band recently did a quick little jaunt through the Carolinas bringing along Black Heart Saints and The L.A. Maybe. We were stoked to get the chance to catch them all on January 29th when they played to a packed house at The Fillmore Charlotte.

We got there that night to a line, a LINE down the block of fans all decked out in spandex, animal prints, even some animal print spandex, and A LOT of hair spray! I didn’t actually think it could get any sexier to be honest. Then it was show time, and vocalist Michael Starr with the rest of Steel Panther headed out on stage and dove straight into “Goin’ In The Backdoor.” The crowd of course erupted.

The night was filled with lots of metal, not just Steel Panther’s crazy ass original tunes, but also a few awesome covers. Not to mention a plethora of d*ck jokes (cue “Weenie Ride”) and an awful lot of t*tties. So many, so many t*tties. When the band finished up the night on “Gloryhole,” well there just wasn’t a dry spot left in the venue anymore.

I’m Music Magazine photographer Daphne McKinney.

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