Tears For Fears returned to touring here in the U.S. on June 23, 2023 with The Tipping Point Tour Part II. The band had a hugely successful tour in 2022 off of The Tipping Point which was their first studio album in almost 18 years. We were fortunate to see them last year in Charlotte, NC on an insanely hot and humid evening in June. Soo much time had passed since the conclusion to that tour that we were surprised, pleasantly I may add, that they were doing a Part II to the tour this year.
They hit Raleigh, North Carolina on July 8, 2023 on this leg of the tour. Mother Nature threatened to ruin our evening when she unleashed a thunderstorm in the area that delayed the opening of the gates to the Coastal Credit Union Music Park at Walnut Creek. I don’t know about you, but I think the name of the venue needs to be just a little bit longer. That storm turned out to be a blessing as the temperature and humidity dropped a bit after things cleared off making the evening feel much more comfortable than it would have been without it. The gates did open and the masses began to filter in.
After an entertaining set by Cold War Kids, we waited for the band to hit the stage. A recorded version of “Stay” from The Tipping Point began to play over the PA system and people immediately began to stand and cheer. The band then hit the stage and they went into the title track to the album. Personally, I think this is a great opener as it sets the tone and mood for the evening for this is a different album from the guys. There’s no “Everybody Wants To Rule The World” type of 80’s pop on this album. There were those in attendance looking for the hits, but this crowd seemed to be predominantly familiar and into the new album.
The new album was featured heavily in the set list with six songs being played plus the recorded “Stay” that was included at the very beginning. They mixed it up and hit the crowd early on with their hit “Everybody Wants To Rule The World” which got a HUGE pop from the fans. That song was from the band’s massive 80’s classic album Songs From The Big Chair. Fans were hit with a powerful four song in a row delivery from The Tipping Point of “Long, Long, Long Time,” “Break the Man,” “My Demons” and “Rivers of Mercy.” Vocalist Roland Orzabal jokingly commented afterwards not exactly knowing why they were arranged that way but they were. The band then delivered their song “Mad World” which has seen an amazing resurgence over the years thanks to Gary Jules’ reworking of the song for the ‘Donnie Darko’ movie. That arrangement was the one that a few years later would be performed by Adam Lambert on Season Eight of American Idol.
Backup singer Lauren Evans then took over and delivered an absolutely amazing version of “Suffer the Children.” She really adds so much to this entire show, so letting her have a solo was definitely a well-deserved decision. She continued her brilliance as the band performed “Woman in Chains.” As brilliant and powerful as her vocals are, I must commend Roland for standing his own next to her. His vocals are so strong and he really did soar on this one as well. “Head Over Heels/Broken” finished out their set and they excited the stage.
They, of course, returned and Roland started out solo with a cover of Radiohead’s “Creep.” He asked the crowd to sing with him and they really did! “Change” and “Shout” rounded out the encore and our beautifully powerful night of both reminiscing and moving forward was over. In a live setting like this, the unique separate talents of Curt Smith and Roland Orzabal really rise to the surface. You see and hear how these two uniquely different musicians bond together to form the band that we all know and love. Their vocals were both exceptionally strong and different. That difference compliments each other in a very cool way. The rest of the band doesn’t get the credit that they rightly deserve. They are so tight and deliver a sound that is even better live than on the recorded versions. I hope everyone or at least the majority of those in attendance were as moved by this performance as I was. The Tipping Point is such a powerful album and well worth the almost 18 year wait. I highly recommend that you not only check that album out, but catch this show if it comes anywhere close to your town.
Review & Pix by I’m Music Magazine Owner/Editor Johnny Price