Live music and touring have been on lockdown and fans as well as artists are going through withdrawals. We wanted to come up with something fun to help bridge that distance between fans and artists right now. What we came up with is  something called The Lockdown Lowdown and it’s a Q&A session with fun questions for artists to answer. They’re not your typical interview questions, so it gives you a peek inside of the artists themselves. We’re big music nerds here at I’m Music Magazine and we love learning things like this about the artists that we love. We’re pretty sure that you’ll get a kick out of these, so we hope you’ll take the time to read them. In this installment, we sat down for a fun Q&A session with SKAGS.

1. How have you been doing during the pandemic and how are you spending your time?

Unfortunately, though, due to the Covid pandemic we are not able to get together and start working collectively on our ideas. So, at the moment we are focusing on promoting our existing work and hope that, soon enough, will get back to our rehearsal room and get down to business. 

2. Have you been working on new music?

We have already composed material for two more albums and we are looking forward to the ending of the pandemic so that we rehearse it all together and start the recording of our second full album.

3. What are five albums that changed your life?

Dream Theater – Awake

Pink Floyd – The Division Bell

Villagers Of Ioannina City – Age Of Aquarius

Radiohead- OK Computer

Gaia- Mago de Oz

4. Who are five artists that influenced you as a musician?

Neil Peart

David Gilmour

Robert Smith

Matt Bellamy

Niccolo Paganini

5. What are your five favorite live albums?

Deep Purple – Made in Japan

Metallica – S&M

Pink Floyd – Pulse

The Scorpions – Moment of Glory (Live with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra)

Guns n Roses: Live Era ’87- ‘93

6. Life on the road; what are five of your craziest/funniest/scariest tour stories

Our first live show, where we were supposed to open for a famous Greek artist but ended up playing after him at midnight with nighttime birds as an audience!

While on tour, after the end of a concert, a fan followed our singer to the toilet, in order to ask for her cellphone number.

7. What are your five favorite movies?

American History X

Requiem For A Dream


The Black Swan

Lord of the Rings

8. What’s the best and worst advice you ever heard?

Worst – Your sound needs to be more pop-style in order to have more views.

Best – Continue writing songs that are from your heart.

9. What’s the strangest thing you ever autographed?

Fortunately, so far we have autographed only in CDs 

10. If music was over today and you had to go into professional wrestling, what would your wrestling name be?

Sotiris – The Mountain

Chris – Drumstick Impaler

Spyretta – The Shrike

Christina – Sleazzy fingerz

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