If Joan Jett and Veruca Salt had a love child, it would be Vera Bloom. She’s a total badass with elements of 90s fuzzy Seattle guitar sounds, a punk edge all mixed with a pop edge. She blends all of that to make it her own sound and it’s quite infectious. Her sophomore indie EP It’s Me will drop on September 29 and it’s six tracks that allow the listener a peek into the world of Vera Bloom. It’s hard not to move when you listen to it. It’s gritty, it’s edgy and you’re going to love it! She recently sat down with her to talk about her new EP, celebrity crushes and more!

You are a transplant; how do you get from Washington State to Nashville?

Vera Bloom: It was a couple of jumps that eventually led me here. I went to school for music in Boston so that kind of planted me on the East coast. I bounced around a little bit after college and ended up in New York City where I met a lot of really cool people. I had already moved out of the city up to Poughkeepsie when I decided it was time to pivot. I came down to Nashville and I’ve been here five and a half years.

Nashville’s not your mom and dads’ twangy Nashville anymore. It’s amazing some of the people that have moved there. It’s really become a hot bed for music.

It really is and this city has every genre in it especially the rock scene. The kids that grew up here just all love rock music. I don’t know if it’s because they were trying to go against their parents and be like ‘I’m not listening to this country.’ There is a good bit of rock music and as you said other genres.

You’re on the eve of dropping your brand new It’s Me EP. How do you know when it’s time to start making a new album?

I’ll have written a batch of songs that I end up playing live with the band and then they just come in bunches and waves. With this new one I was just putting out singles and then I realized there is an ark in my life kind of from the first single I put out to the latest single. It’s kind of bookmarking a chapter in my life. Even though the songs came out separately, the whole composition of them makes sense of where I’m at in my life. This It’s Me EP is kind of closing the door on the chapter in my life naturally but it’s also opening a new one at the same time. I don’t know if you saw the cover of the EP but it’s a picture of me standing in a fire wearing red. I was kind of following the theme of The Phoenix which is kind of death and rebirth simultaneously and that’s really what this feels like. Every EP or album feels that way, but this one especially. I really wanted to highlight the end and the beginning at the same time.

I’m such a music nerd on different aspects of an album. I know the title of the EP is one of the songs but why did you choose that one instead of one of the others?

Of all of the songs, I think it’s the one that embraces me the most obviously (laughs). Even though it is the title of a song it makes the most sense of being an umbrella overarching this batch of songs. A lot of the subject matter throughout the songs is about my feelings, my experiences, my relationships and how I’ve grown from that. It’s self-reflection in a way and also self-acceptance, it’s me

There are six songs on the EP. Did anything get trimmed down to make it six?

This was as many as I had tracked in the studio up to today. I had previously released four out of the six and last between September at the end of a tour that I was doing and right before the biggest show I played today in October. I figured it was the perfect little way to bookmark being so tight with the band and everything. We went into the studio and we recorded “Eyes on You” and “It’s Me” (which has yet to be released). Originally I just thought I was going to put out more singles but I was reflecting back on everything from the pandemic and the lockdown and everything. I just figured I would make this six song EP. I have more songs and if I had been patient I could have went back into the studio and did a full length but then it wouldn’t have felt genuine. It would not have extended into the next chapter and I wanted it to be so true to this chapter.

Speaking of chapters, let’s go back a bit. What got you into music?

I was kind of pushed into music (laughs), but not the songwriting aspect. I have been writing poetry and lyrics since I can remember. My parents were very well educated and made us learn piano and little things like that and might benefit us in the future. I would say it was a musical household. Dad is a hobbyist guitarist and songwriter so I was always around hearing the guitar and that kind of thing. So playing an instrument had always been around me. I think in middle school my friend and his family took me to see Sheryl Crow in Seattle and I think that’s was when I knew I wanted to be like that. She is so multifaceted and has been so many genres over the course of her career. I really resonate with that a little bit. I am a rock artist but I feel like I do bounce around a little bit. Some of my songs are more punk and some are more grunge and some have classic rock in them. I do think seeing that concert live was probably it for me.

Pre-order link: https://verabloom.bandcamp.com/album/its-me-ep
Pre-order link: https://verabloom.bandcamp.com/album/its-me-ep

Was that your first concert?

My very first concert was in was in elementary school and I think it was Ricky Martin (laughs). That was more of a girl crush concert but Sheryl Crow was really more awesome.

Your new EP drops on 9/29, but what else is on your radar?

I am also putting my new EP on my first ever vinyl which is super exciting for me. Side A has the six songs and on side B is an etching. I saw Billy Idol had an etching on one of his releases and I loved it. I could have done a seven inch but this was kind of a big deal and I’m only doing a small batch of 250 copies. I’m doing a very small regional tour in October. I think I’m hitting in Atlanta, Memphis and Birmingham. I have a release party that I’m doing in town the day before the actual release of the EP. I am working on a bigger springtime tour and that is in the works. I have some new material and I want to focus on the next chapter but still celebrate this one. I definitely want to keep this ball rolling. I’m trying to keep up but not fall too far behind it. It takes a lot of work (laughs).

We like to end our talks with something called Three For The Road which is three not so typical questions. Who was your first celebrity crush?

Oh my gosh, this might date me (laughs). I want to say Jonathan Taylor Thomas from that Home Improvement show with Tim Allen.

Simba (laughs)

Yeah, but the human version.

What’s your favorite type of movie and your favorite movie in that genre?

I like the format and twists of Oceans 11 but I also really love that newest one with Brad Pitt and Jason Statham called Snatch. I like fast paced, spy kind of twist and turns kind of things. Whatever genre you call that (laughs).

If you could have anyone be your inner voice, who would it be?

My first go to thought is Ozzy (laughs). I think it would be slightly confusing but hilarious (laughs). I would really have to think that one over because I feel like you would really have to be committed to it.

I guess our time is about up. Is there anything else? 

Don’t forget to pre-order the vinyl

(Pre-order link: https://verabloom.bandcamp.com/album/its-me-ep)

We’ve provided the pre-order link for the vinyl. 250 copies is not a lot so fans really need to jump on that. Before we end our talk, I must say that I absolutely love your positive energy on Twitter/X and I think we need more of that in the world.

I know it’s just a simple good morning, but I love it. It brightens my day and I’m glad it helps others too.

I’m Music Magazine Owner/Editor Johnny Price