On Thursday September 28th, Vera Bloom released her first vinyl record, an EP entitled It’s Me and threw a release party to celebrate. A full night of sultry rock and roll topped off with a slice of cake. The Vinyl Lounge was a perfect place for this shindig to go down as it had great sound and awesome decor including a DJ spinning live punk rock before the show. Vera Bloom came out swinging playing a selection of her older material then going straight into the entire new EP. The energy the band gives off is red hot as they could hardly stand still as they went through their set. One thing I noticed and appreciated was the studded leather jacket change mid set that contrasted so well with the red dress Vera wore like a ying yang of punk rock and proper which shined through in her music as well. Be sure to stream the new EP It’s Me wherever you listen to music or give the vinyl a shot for that extra crisp sound. 

Review & Pix: I’m Music Magazine Photographer/Writer Kris Cagle